Saturday, November 1, 2008

+MORE Vampire Party!!

Well happy Halloween!!!

Finally and excuse for me to ware makeup and get dressed up!! It seems as though the citizens of Antwerp don't celebrate Halloween, when we mentioned it to our friends in Mama Matrea they thought it was tomorrow, even the little emo's at the Vampire Party thought we were bonkers!!

Vampire Partys are fun, full of people who obviously hadn't gone there to celebrate the occult just for one evening, real goths who's devotion to their image leads them to get jeered at when out in the city!! Finally all together on one dance-floor and they jeer back at us, goths, cyber goths, emo girls and rocker boys, an explosive cocktail of ugly kids driven by pounding industria/breakcore/jumpstyle electro crossovers. Like the evil vampires we stood and pointed,
"look at that one her hair is great"
"what about the boy in the dress??"
"Or the old woman with silver spiderwebs on her top hat?"
The truth about vampires is that they are not such pretty people, the more makeup and ridiculous clothing they were, they uglier and shyer they are. Not to say the geeky resident DJ's didn't make us laugh in their all in one PVC outfits. Oh well little children, don't get all emo, we came and took fresh blood from you!!

Our friend Plastokid, gothic electro producer and goth hipster sent this to me a while back; looks like this is a good time to post it, not so dark music, but a banging tune anyway!! Check his Myspace for more info!!



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