Friday, October 31, 2008

New Rising Sun @ TRIX 30/10/2008 - Gig Review!!

Well Its not often that I go somewhere new, but yesterday I discovered a new part of Antwerp, TRIX. after taking an old tram and a short walk in to the biting cold concrete jungle suburbia, we arrived at Trix. Only to be told that the gig was full and the party was closed. LOL!! the look on Romulus's face, I just walked in and then was pleasantly surprised to see N.R.S plus their whole extended family's watching Mighty Joe Moon. I was Mightily unimpressed by Joe Moon, seems that they walked out of the nineties and had missed the last 8 years. Oh well inject some attitude guys, and some good looks and relax and start to enjoy yourselves!!

N.R.S had a great gig, they're my mates so I cant really say anything nasty about them, but I enjoyed there gig, a few bum notes here and there, and they finally relaxed on stage and enjoyed themselves, and so did I. Proud mums and dads beamed on as the applause got louder and louder, seems that a bit of folk rock cheered up the crowd after the dismal trip-rock of Mighty Joe Moon.

The third band to play was well known artists Koala though it has to be said that they can only be well known for there great guitarist Carlos Dyckmans, I would have much preferred to see him play with his side project band bastard nation instead of this idiot Belgan rapper IslaSoul. The band felt a bit build with a misplacing of musicians, mad props to the bassist for some nice slaps, but do you really need an imac and a keyboards and a drummer?? The pretty little front girl Sarah, sang beautifully but her lack of energy made me feel as though they should charge her up on Haribo and red bull before the gig, Like David and his thirteen beers!

Of course like all good blogger's I Stood in the crowd stoned and arrogant, someone should slap that rapper I cried!!! as he glared at me across the room. Maybe I will remix one of there tracks, watch out for the "slap the rapper-Koala" remix coming soon!! It is only anther tiny snapshot of the booming music scene here, and it was good to see some local artists in the crowd, supporting there local scene, and Local radio DJ's from Radio Centraal (106.7 FM stereo or streaming here) who we were finally able to give them a demo, and promised to play a track this coming thursday at midnight, LOL Drise is supprised to hear what he will choose!!

Looks Like Sieta has been spending too much time with pretty boys, she had lots of fun with Giorgio!! Maybe we will see him on a billboard soon!!





I'm sorry you feel the way you feel about what I do. Even though I know criticism is inevitable...calling me an idiot and wanting to slap me...makes me wonder if I did anything to make you this 'angry'.
You could've actually confronted me about it, I would have listened.
Anyway, if you should show up on one of our gigs in the might want to talk to me first before making judgements concerning my person.

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