Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cardboard trees, green jeans and pink socks

Finally a new vision has popped into our head; what started out as some annoying cardboard in the hall way has turned into a crazy new video project. The team buckled down to work this afternoon finally posting the new front page to as we sat messing with photoshop, drinking coffee and tasting some green the ideas became clearer and the mind more foggy. We sat and wrote the first draft of the screen play, idillicly the budget would be huge showing off our prowess as directors, instead we'll glue the set from cardboard get our friends to shoot it and beg borrow and steal anything that is needed. Luckely New Rising Sun are playing at TRIX on the 30th of october which will make a great finally to this magical journey. Maybe I should get hold of Directing Movies for Dummys or something.

Its all ready friday morning and Im trying to remember specificly what happend since I last wrote, but as usuall its a blur of bong hits, tequila, tents and too much attention from too many people. Saterday night New Rising Sun went to play round the campfire at Vinger pop, apperently they had a great time with a bunch smelly hippies, but give four boys with guitars free booze all night and they will have fun standing naked in the artic circle.... Mels and I prefered to jump around like crazy electrick eels at the mirror tent. Stealthbombers hosted a wicked party looking forward to go to anather one sadly I cant read the website (its the in flemish).


Of course he looks better like this.....

Now its already this weekend, and I am looking forward to going and seeing the proxy play at cinema tomorrow night (hosted by fuck the kliche). Then ANTWERP IS BURNING !!! Prinz, Monica Electronica, Les petits pilous, Cassius and way more...... three stages of fun and frolocking in crowds of sweaty teens and I bet there all wearing purple and black!!! Oh I remeber that I have to wear my yellow jeans tomorrow! Can't decide what with though; maybe I will just wear them around my shoulders or something , like a scarf, or a turban???

Listening to Shantis Mixtape, its a great a look at reggae from the seventies through to now... I will post it tomorrow!!!


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