Friday, December 5, 2008

My hat.02

Another week has passed and once again I found more willing victims to wear my hat. I think that next week I'll go with unwilling victims, that sounds like much more fun, but not having found any this week I'll stick to people who actually like being harassed by me.
It's cool how many interesting and beautiful people there are, sometimes I forget. I used to love walking into town on a saterday afternoon and just watch the herds go by. There are always cool people who stick out in one way or another. Usually because of the way they dress or the loud stuff they do. I absolutely love that! Now my friend Jort says (yeah, the guy in the picture) that people who try to be different, just do it for the sake of being different, not because they are. Something to do with self esteem and needing lots of attention. Well, I don't care about the why of it. I just love the fact that people do crazy things and wear insane clothes. Because otherwise it would be a pretty boring place out there.
So I have great plans for this hat, world domination being the least one of those, and I'm starting with all the oddball people I can find.



Hah! That's actually a very cool idea. Results not bad either :) I see a compilation book coming up...

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